Halo infinite cortana
Halo infinite cortana

halo infinite cortana

Halo Infinite does feature Cortana, but not necessarily as a. But if people, especially men who are more prone to color blindness (or just dont pay attention to colors for one reason or another) to say a broad category for both, most will call both purple while describing the rest as blue. The pair are featured in every numbered game, and Halo Infinite is no exception - sort of. Halo CE Cortana is more of a pinkish-purple, similar to magenta or fuchsia, while Halo 2 is closer to lavender.

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We learn of some pretty deplorable acts she took whilst trying to enforce her rule such as the attack on Earth and the destruction of the Atriox’s home world but then her redemption is basically “yeah I shouldn’t have done that, guess I’ll just die now”, it didn’t really have any emotional weight to it and felt like it made her arc in 4 and 5 completely pointless.įor me it was really unsatisfying and not nearly as emotional as her death, her reunion with Chief or her subsequent betrayal. The Halo series is full of iconic weapons, moments, enemies, and even lines of dialogue, but perhaps nothing is more iconic than the franchises two main characters: Master Chief and Cortana.

halo infinite cortana

Halo Infinite, for me, didn’t do Cortana or her story justice. Halo 5 ended with Cortana being successful and taking control of a large portion of the galaxy, however you wouldn’t know any of this going into Halo Infinite. Halo 5 had a number of flaws but Cortana going rogue was intriguing, was there something deeper to her motivation? Halo 5 also ended on a pretty interesting cliff-hanger with the ‘goodies’ really on the back foot and seemingly in a position where they would have to fight almost impossible odds.

halo infinite cortana

One of the things I found most engaging in Halo 4 was Cortana’s story, the impact her rampancy had on her relationship with the Master Chief and the impact it had on the wider story.

Halo infinite cortana